Monday, September 15, 2008

Products of Google

we are listing some of the products of Google here

google official site
Google Reader   
Google Product Search
Google code       
Google Maps      
Google video       
Google Groups    
Google books      
Google scholar     
Google finance     
Google calendar   
Google photos      
Google Docs        
Google sites          
Google alerts         
Google Earth         
Google blog search
Google labs           
Google translate     
Google sketchup    
Google talk            
Google health         
Google checkout     
Google adsense       
Google Chrome       
Google desktop       
GOOG -411           
Google adwords      
Movie search           
Google analytics       
Google website optimizer
Google base             

we hope there are more hidden links in google which are worth trying

Happy Googling !!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Life as such

Life this four letter word is the prime factor of existence of any living being that is known to exists in this world, In simple terms life just means breathing, pumping in Oxygen and pumping out CO2, well one of the definition of life is the experience of being alive.

Whole of the human race is driven by money,fame,satisfaction,spirituality,greediness,hatred,love,affection,cruelty and lot more and any one of these characteristics is adpoted by an individual inorder for him to lead a better life. Lot of people are of the illusion that they are having a great life, a better life without knowing the fact that they dont know what life is but they think that they have a better life.

Each and every living being wants to have a happy and peaceful life, but how does one know what life is or how does one say that they are having a happy and peaceful life, If suppose a person is happy if people appreciate him, does it mean that he wil lead a happy life if people keep on appreaciating him. In this case does it mean that life is nothing but sheer satisfaction of the heart or is it the mind which makes a man lead a peaceful life, If a man does not have any tension does it mean that he is having a peaceful life.

No matter whether your happy,sad,in peace. Life remains static and is a straight line, its only the emotions that travels over this line of life that decides the mood or state of an individual. If you come out of your emotions and feelings and look at life, life is nothing but a straight line.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Kill and Zero

kill is a command used to send simple messages to processes running on the system. By default, the message sent is the "termination" signal, which requests that the process exit. But kill is something of a misnomer; the signal sent may have nothing to do with process killing. The kill command is a wrapper around the kill()system call, which sends signals to processes or process groups on the system

We all know about kill command and how much we use it especially kill -9 the forceful exit of a process.
The kill command associates itself with options ranging from (0-9). But the most fascinating one is 0 the number close to India. Remember (Aryabhata is the first of the great astronomers of the classical age of India who invented "0").

The interesting part is kill -0 actually does not kill a process. The kill -0 option can be used to 
figure out whether a particular process id exists. It never sends a signal. 
This option can be used in logics where programmer wants to know how long a process exists and if any action is to be taken based on its usage.

Assuming the command is called after certain duration of sleep, the command gets executed and remains silent until it gets to know the process is terminated. And would return an output like "-bash: kill: (8141) - No such process".

Wonders of zero are unlimited !!!

Features of Google Chrome

Its been close to a week since Google announced its first browser called Chrome. One of the prime goals of the development team of Google chrome was to minimize or remove the chrome from the browser and this is what the development team as actually done.

The browser is simple and loads pretty quickly, the setup file (which I got after a long wait) is of 475 KB and it installs just like Ubuntu a quicky OS which I have loved always. The browser design is simple viz a viz Google, it looks transparent to the desktop and its thin background makes it look light. It has no menu bar like the traditional browsers.

Some of the key features of Chrome

1. There is no homepage as such in Chrome. However the homepage is where 8 recently visited sites are shown as site snippets .
2. It has integrated google search in the address bar, so you start typing "Y" in the address bar and it start suggesting you the websites
3. It also has the google calculator integrated in the address bar, so want to make any calculations,type it in the address bar.
4. In chrome every tab acts as a process and all the plugins act as process and there is a inbuilt exclusive task manager where you can have a look at the different process(tabs viz a viz website) and the memory they are occupying at any given time
5. Chrome as the same feature like the IGoogle where you can move the gadgets around the IGoogle, similarly just move a tab out of the browser and it opens as a new window and when u pull this window back into the main window it becomes a tab again.

6. In chrome the default search in the address bar is Google search, you can also choose, Live, Yahoo search , AOL , Ask by right clicking on the address bar and choosing the edit search engine
7. Its open source, so the code is given to you for you to tweak

8. Downloading option is good, it directly starts the downloading and the file stays at the bottom of the browser and once the download is complete you can drag and drop it in any place you want.
9. You want security, its google so it has it , its called inconginitive window ( more like the inPrivate in IE 8) where you browse anything , it leaves no trace of browsing.
10. For developers or beginners, it has a inbuilt html text viewer, so no more boring notepad to view the source of the html page, infact the text viewer highlights the syntax and it is more user friendly, parses each and every aspect of the webpage and categorises the same.

Built on V8 and webkit this browser is one of the trend setter for the modern web based applications, Two years of hard work from the Google engineers is ought to pay back.

Have a nice time with the new baby of Google !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Google bangs again with Google Chrome with a cartoon

It was just the news of IE8 and Mozilla enhancing itself, the all time challenger Google swings back with a suprise launch of its new browser Chrome adding onto its growing application list.

Its an open source browser,which supports Javascript VM called V8 (That can be used by other browsers too to enhance the speed of web browsing) with a Webkit engine (supported in Safari), multi process design, special tab support,address bar with auto complete mode,default home page with speed dial feature as a default page(which will summarize recent searches,webpages visited and so on). The "InPrivate" feature of Microsoft is provided as "incognito" here.(enable /disable privacy) and finally constant download of lists of harmful sites...

The search giant said Chrome had been created to better handle interactive applications and resource-hungry web pages such as video clips and online games. It is also less likely to crash,

Indeed Google proves itself again and again...The browser seems to become the master of all browsers very much close to the user. The Chrome comic is not a joke.

Google simply makes others go "Googly Goooooooooo"