Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hypnosis - To know more about who you are

What is Hypnosis

Hypnosis is simply the deliberate use of the imagination, paralleled with strong focus and relaxation. Done well, it can work in the same way as when you are dreaming - the mind's 'Reality Simulator'.

Developing Focus

So when you go into hypnosis, you simply get very involved with an inner reality, and we create this involvement, this focus, by drawing attention to detail in an interesting way.
It's just like when you read a good book; a great author will make the words impossible to ignore - he or she will paint pictures in your mind. A good hypnotist will do the same.
But it's not just about colorful imagination, it's about controlling your attention - getting it focused on one or a few things. You can do this by deliberately noticing sensations within your own body.
As an aside, when you can reliably control your own attention, you have a great skill - imagine being able to choose what you think about at any time - or to be able to choose to think about nothing (really handy for falling asleep!).

Creating Relaxation

You create relaxation in hypnosis in 2 ways: by recalling relaxing times (recalling a memory is a hypnotic process as you have to re-construct it)
by talking in a relaxing, soothing way - slowly, with pauses, in a soft, low voice.
This sends an unconscious message to relax
How to 'Rebuild Experience'

The above text is a speec given by Roger Elliott

To be continued ......

Cool Stuff

Hi all ,

I jus came across this link and it sounded cool to me

Jus chk out to know more about business models and Email's . Remember Infosys saying that theie biggest strength is their business model .

Saturday, October 15, 2005

IT This Week

IT industry was the talk of Dalal street this week as all the top companies exceeded the expectation of the market for the second quarter of the fiscal year.

TCS becomes the first indian IT company to employ 50K employees (sounds cool)

Infosys posted a profit of around 600 crores . Our business model is our strength says Nandan.M.Nilekani CEO , Infosys Technologies.

Oracle having a stake of 41% in Iflex wont be a threat to the finacle which runs with Oracle as the backend as Infosys as a good relationship with Oracle

The Much awaited results which are yet to come are of Hexaware Technologies (much awaited one)

ICICI Bank also exceeded the market expectation

Ipod with Video capability to be released Next week in US . It might take an year to get into the indian market . U can download Television serials onto your ipod at the cost of $5 per episode.Podcasting becomes more interesting now i believe .Ipod catches the eyes of everybody with its slim and awesome features .Thanks to Apple for such a wonderful product

Source - All Business Magazines ( More to come )n

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Podcasting - The term is a combination of broadcasting and iPod. To create a podcast,one must record the file in mp3 format, and upload it onto any site that accepts audio files. to listen, one must subscribe to the audio feeds and download them onto a computer,mp3 player or to a iPod using a RSS aggregating software (like itunes).. The podcasting is catching up in India in a very fast rate ..Are you in the run ... start you podcasting now and share you music with others.. Sify as added podcasting services on its broadband portal called SifyMax in july ....will this turn n the heat of music lovers on the net .. Post in your views

Source - Business World

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Hi Everybody ,

Psychology has a lot of mystery hidden inside itself. Each every people can be read like a book with the help of pschology. People have to know a lot about the power of their subconcious mind. It has tremendous power in itself . A Simple question "Who Am I" can raise a billion question within you . Mind is such a powerful tool which when used properly can get you anything and everything you need , it can heal your pains , it can bring happiness in your life , it can gt your more money. what else . you can get everything that you want. How to use your mind to get what ever you desire is by means of self - hypnotisation and Meditation . These two are the key to success . Please post in your views about meditation. i will let you people know the different forms of meditation and the way you can hypnotise yourself and gain control over your sub- concious mind


To begin with i am here with some comments about the latest happening in the world of technology

The latest buzz in the current market is KPO ..Its called
Knowledge process outsourcing..Hope to get more about this soon .

So far only Six companies (HP,Accenture,IBM,ACS,CSC,EDS)used to bid for any deal that is greater than a billion dollar mark . But for the first time ever three indian companies have participated in the bid and have won the bid ..this has raised the heat in the six companies and the six companies have started wramping up their operations in India more vigourously . EDS plans for a major acquisition,especially tier-II companies while IBM plans to increase its head count .. What will be the move from the indian majors for this rapid and aggressive steps by these software majors in your views