Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hypnosis - To know more about who you are

What is Hypnosis

Hypnosis is simply the deliberate use of the imagination, paralleled with strong focus and relaxation. Done well, it can work in the same way as when you are dreaming - the mind's 'Reality Simulator'.

Developing Focus

So when you go into hypnosis, you simply get very involved with an inner reality, and we create this involvement, this focus, by drawing attention to detail in an interesting way.
It's just like when you read a good book; a great author will make the words impossible to ignore - he or she will paint pictures in your mind. A good hypnotist will do the same.
But it's not just about colorful imagination, it's about controlling your attention - getting it focused on one or a few things. You can do this by deliberately noticing sensations within your own body.
As an aside, when you can reliably control your own attention, you have a great skill - imagine being able to choose what you think about at any time - or to be able to choose to think about nothing (really handy for falling asleep!).

Creating Relaxation

You create relaxation in hypnosis in 2 ways: by recalling relaxing times (recalling a memory is a hypnotic process as you have to re-construct it)
by talking in a relaxing, soothing way - slowly, with pauses, in a soft, low voice.
This sends an unconscious message to relax
How to 'Rebuild Experience'

The above text is a speec given by Roger Elliott

To be continued ......

1 comment:

mamatha said...

This was a good introduction given on Hypnosis. Before moving further, i would like to know how is Hypnosis different from Meditation. Is there a major factor that will distinguish Meditation from Hypnosis? Or both of them are interrelated. If a person can gain control on his mind through Meditation, why people should opt for Hypnosis. My personal opinion is Mediation is much simpler compared to Hypnosis when tried to perform.