Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A day in life

It all started when i woke in the morning, there was no blossom of flowers or singing of birds as i know it was usual , the sun has already raised and it was 7.30 as usual . The lazy guy in me is still with me .I started to get ready for the day in office as I plunged into bike(looks like a 350 cc 2 stroke pumped up engine with a blast of horn and metallic color that shines all its way till the silencer which is double in numbers, an ergonomic seat but my bike was an ordinary bajaj hamara bajaj bike).I had to ride the bike with my helmets on( no other go Im sick of bribing the policeman who is on top of his duty). As I was riding my way to office, I noticed a normal thing which really looked strange to me. Suddenly I felt people were running mad,the buses were crowded, loads and loads of vehicles buzzing in the roads, I was wondering where the hell is everybody running, something ticked my mind, Every single person in the street is running for something or the other, but what are they running for ?. In fact when this question is asked to a person he will never be in a position to give a right answer, So are we running for something which we dont know or are we running for something called money which when you have more you have only problems and not happiness. everybody knows that they are missing something but nobody has the time to think of what they are missing and still they run as if they know what they are running for.(If Im confusing you as of what Im trying to say then I'm on the right path). thinking something mad like this I reached office where I was back on track on the schedule I had for the day, the day was full of tricks and tips in my work, i was stuck a couple of times in my logic and had to revisit the design and correct it and get back to the coding and do the documentation on the side, but somewhere down my memory I was thinking I should find out as of where atleast I'm heading.they day passed and the time came for me to leave office. the same bike , the same crowd and the same thought it was like a flash back and only difference was it was night. I reached home and kept thinking of the scene I saw in the morning and I tried hard to find a reason for the run . but it still remains a mystery for me.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Wheeled out

Wheels have always fascinated humans since the time it originated in ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) in the 5Th millennium BC. We have found a wide array of applications for wheels and it was taken for granted and we totally ignored the importance of wheel Until Apple placed it in a device and launched it on 23 October 2001. Since then the "Wheeled" device has been the fascination and has been "held" with respect.

For the uninitiated the "Wheeled" device is universally called iPod. ipod was born out of Apple's need to have a digital music player that is not clumsy and big or small and useless.The first iPod was a revolutionary device , it took the digital music world by storm.The more established players like Sony and Philips were caught napping.But all this history and hype didn't spur any urge in myself to buy it even after 5 1/2 years after it was launched

I have my own reasons not to be "wheeled" over by the iPod

Its extremely pricey than its peers , Apple iPod nano 2nd Generation 8GB MP3 Player costs around $185.00 ,While a SanDisk Sansa e280 8GB MP3 Player (with more features) costs just $155.00. I would slash my wrists and die , if I have to pay $30 (Rs 1300) more just for a funky wheel. There is no argument that the wheel is very user friendly and easy to use ,but putting such a huge premium on a innovation like this and short charging users is bad.

I am happy that I am not among the millions who are using iPod , I have bought a Samsung 8GB Mp3 player for $135 with all the features of an iPod 32GB Video player.Don't give in to peer pressure to have an iPod and lose out on better deals,iPod is not the only Mp3 player around there are many better and cheap Players with the same or better features.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Where is India Heading !!!!!

Well where are we heading . we indians are making the best out of everythin .of course we indians have become more tax payers now a days.So where are we heading . The indian economy is boomin like anythin .its growin in a pace which is 3 times faster than wat google is growing .Any guy who is a graduate in india is earning not less than 10K nowadays . he leads a happy life . all new venture capitalist are encouragin entrepreneurs . there are more world leaders emergin out of india . Experts say tat if our growth is gone be as aggressive as we are now then we might go past the economy of the US in 20 years from (is it true) .

Now then we are heading in all the markets starting from the TATA steel baggin the biggest deals of all time "THE CORUS DEAL " . to the Indian IT majors "TCS & INFOSYS" baggin the first Billion Dollar contract from the ABN-AMRO .

Next comes the question of are we really becoming a global leaders, the answer is yes . we are gettin better day by day . the world is lookin at us as a emergin leader in all aspects . we are respected by the people all around the world .
But there still remains one small disadvantage in us i.e we dont pat ourselves wen we grow . Lets come together and make india the world leader .

though we have a huge population we are considered to be people with lot of integrity in us . we have better appitude than the people in the west . Though we lack in the technology aspects which are not comparable to the one tat s used in the west we should not forget tat the technology tat is developed there in the west is also by an indian ..

Its just a free writing i have written . hope i make sense in some means .