Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A day in life

It all started when i woke in the morning, there was no blossom of flowers or singing of birds as i know it was usual , the sun has already raised and it was 7.30 as usual . The lazy guy in me is still with me .I started to get ready for the day in office as I plunged into bike(looks like a 350 cc 2 stroke pumped up engine with a blast of horn and metallic color that shines all its way till the silencer which is double in numbers, an ergonomic seat but my bike was an ordinary bajaj hamara bajaj bike).I had to ride the bike with my helmets on( no other go Im sick of bribing the policeman who is on top of his duty). As I was riding my way to office, I noticed a normal thing which really looked strange to me. Suddenly I felt people were running mad,the buses were crowded, loads and loads of vehicles buzzing in the roads, I was wondering where the hell is everybody running, something ticked my mind, Every single person in the street is running for something or the other, but what are they running for ?. In fact when this question is asked to a person he will never be in a position to give a right answer, So are we running for something which we dont know or are we running for something called money which when you have more you have only problems and not happiness. everybody knows that they are missing something but nobody has the time to think of what they are missing and still they run as if they know what they are running for.(If Im confusing you as of what Im trying to say then I'm on the right path). thinking something mad like this I reached office where I was back on track on the schedule I had for the day, the day was full of tricks and tips in my work, i was stuck a couple of times in my logic and had to revisit the design and correct it and get back to the coding and do the documentation on the side, but somewhere down my memory I was thinking I should find out as of where atleast I'm heading.they day passed and the time came for me to leave office. the same bike , the same crowd and the same thought it was like a flash back and only difference was it was night. I reached home and kept thinking of the scene I saw in the morning and I tried hard to find a reason for the run . but it still remains a mystery for me.

1 comment:

mamatha said...

Well its a topic which relates how combination of technology and psychology of man has affected human life.I belong to one of those cities where people spend the maximum time travelling in between the mad crowd running left and right making no sense. Planning what to do sitting inside the cab, becomes a everyday challenge. When an hour of journey takes the double of time, i remember the movie star wars, what a mess the galaxy is with flying crafts. Probably our atmosphere will have commuting devices flying all around. The imagination seems to be realistic in the near future if things go this way.

Every aspect of life is imbalanced, i always have a strong feeling that "Anything too much in life is too bad". Closely observe life, there is no other teacher than life, every action of nature indicates that. Man is the greatest creation. There s no doubt. The creator gave us so much of power with the thought, we will have full control on what we do and care for the inferior ones. Unfortunately, that s not the case. The basics of being human is forgotten.

This is a statement my confused mind and soul keeps contradicting peeping in and out lookin at the outside world. Is the statement correct? am i thinking wrong? Is passion, orientation, goal,continued focus. Is that not proportional to craving for more?Ofcourse without all these none can achieve what they want.

People are running towards the goal aiming "live for the moment" at any cost no matter what.
As we all know Life is a journey. We are here not to while away the time. We are here to take our souls to a higher level. I believe that s the aim of life and birth.

People live with shortcut's. If we observer most of the biographies of the scientists, you can see they never worked for titles, fame or name. They worked for their keen interest in the subject, to make the people s life around them comfortable. To understand Life. All though there are instances of mis use of the great deeds.

I think as its being said "It's in human nature to destory themselves."
Wake up humans, know what you are here for. I am in the process too....