Monday, July 28, 2008

Google Knol !!!

Google comes up with yet another spectacular product in the form of Google Knol, as the name suggest google knol is a knowledge sharingsite. In short I would call the wikipedia of Google. But after a couple of views of the google knol, I would say that its more like squidoo. Knol is more author centric and has more articles in different areas of interest i.e it is not a encylopedia !!!

Some of the features of Knol is that Google uses a rich-text editor borrowed from Page Creator, so it's much easier to edit knols than Wikipedia articles. Users can rate the articles, add comments and write reviews, much like for scholarly works.knol provides open collaburation,moderate collaburation and closed collaburation . Google also provides the access to adsense to monetize your knol articles.

Though Google has a lot of products which is used for sharing knowledge and information (blogger,Google docs,Google sites). Knol targets the experts in different domains to shared their knowledege and make a hub for information which will
shared to the billions and trillions of users across the globe.

Happy Googling !!!

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