Monday, August 11, 2008

What's Happyness ???

Well how many of us have asked this question to ourselves and what is the answer have we got for this. Let me quote one by one

1. Is getting a 1st rank in school fetches happyness to a kid - well then is all 1st rank holders happy (answer is only when they got it and not always)
2. Is getting a riding a bicycle brings happyness to a kid (well when you ask all the kids who ride bicycle they are not happy always)
3. Is everyone who has a beautiful gal friend/boy friend happy(I dont think so :))
4. Is everyone whose child is working in abroad and well settled happy always (I've seen them only feel they could be with their children.

There are lot more examples that can be quoted and we have to agree to the point that there is no human in this world who can be happy always and never be sad, but the question I wanted to raise is , Is happiness associated with some object or thing or is it a feeling.

Is happiness momentary, Does the kid gets happy the moment he gets first rank or gets a bicycle and then his happyness vanishes or is smiling alone represent the sheer meaning of happyness

Therasus defines happyness as "state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy"

But one way or the other I feel that inner happyness is what is permanent, inner happyness is achieved when there is a equilibrium between the external and the internal factors of the human body where mind plays a vital role, when you have a perfect balance between your inner self and the external ,your ought to enjoy happyness to the core, when you reach a state of mind where you are ready to receive both success and failure in the same frequency you are in a state of immortal happyness, this doesnt mean that we should not be aggressive in achieving our goals , but our perception of success and failure should not determine our happyness because success and failure are mutually exclusive,but happyness is not. Everybody says that we should learn from our mistakes when we fail, but we forget that we should also learn from the positive things of our success and use the same to move forward in achieving our goals. Again when you train your mind to get the balance between success and failure you will see the real happyness in your life that is unexplainable.

Be happy as always !!!!

1 comment:

mamatha said...

That s a nice topic to start on happiness.There are two kinds of happiness external and internal.External is defined by frequent accomplishments in the worldly matters which is necessary to an extent. And the internal is what the earlier post stresses on.

A person should take care of both of them. That s an equilibrium very difficult to maintain.

In the newspaper today i read about positive thoughts and its means. It says,
Staying positive may lead you to success but thinking negative will never give you success.

The negative thoughts drain away your energy and make a person sick.
External sickness is an illustration of a sick mind.

A person with positive thoughts, will have an healthy mind and body and hence becomes a tower of energy. HE becomes a person who has got something to share and lift the people who are suffering. Such a person leads the world spreading happiness by doing good deeds.

So one of the means to stay happy is through meditation which the western people have realized and started to follow and our own people forgetting.

Search for what can make you happy for ever and follow the path. Hope i find it soon too.. [:)]