Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Life as such

Life this four letter word is the prime factor of existence of any living being that is known to exists in this world, In simple terms life just means breathing, pumping in Oxygen and pumping out CO2, well one of the definition of life is the experience of being alive.

Whole of the human race is driven by money,fame,satisfaction,spirituality,greediness,hatred,love,affection,cruelty and lot more and any one of these characteristics is adpoted by an individual inorder for him to lead a better life. Lot of people are of the illusion that they are having a great life, a better life without knowing the fact that they dont know what life is but they think that they have a better life.

Each and every living being wants to have a happy and peaceful life, but how does one know what life is or how does one say that they are having a happy and peaceful life, If suppose a person is happy if people appreciate him, does it mean that he wil lead a happy life if people keep on appreaciating him. In this case does it mean that life is nothing but sheer satisfaction of the heart or is it the mind which makes a man lead a peaceful life, If a man does not have any tension does it mean that he is having a peaceful life.

No matter whether your happy,sad,in peace. Life remains static and is a straight line, its only the emotions that travels over this line of life that decides the mood or state of an individual. If you come out of your emotions and feelings and look at life, life is nothing but a straight line.


mamatha said...

LIFE -What s it? The scientific dimension provided by the mechanism of our body is great.They say that the slower you take your breaths the longer you live.

It is very truely said that a person can lead life only if he has a driving force. But the darker side is nobody exactly knows why are we hear, who created us. What s God.What is above God.What is that initial dot which started universe and where did it come from. If you have happened to read some deep books of Hindu Mythology, they speak about origin of life, which you can hardly digest. People can go crazily lost in life reading such books. I agree they have lot of learnings associated with the stories. (using the example as i only have read hindu mythology. No personal intake please !!)

Few of the great people if we observe we will find their ideologies differ and they are liked by different people. Eg: Some would believe work is worship, some take up path of spirituality by avoiding / not avoiding family life. Some believe there is a supreme force that s above all of us who guide theselves by scientific info.

Finally any path you chalk, walk with full confidence in it, probably that will give meaning to what life is.....

Coming to Life is a curved or a straight line, our philosophical friend shows what is it that fills life and if that small heart of ours is emotionless then life is empty.Is that attainment itself called "Mukti" ? Will that save us from the concept of re-birth if such thing exists.

But that s not ideally achievable. There has been no illustration anywhere of such a being. No one is allowed to stand still in this stage of life, all of us need to be in action and keep flowing with it.

Life is accumalation of mysteries, which has been beyond human understanding.

Will there be a time when the human race will break that barrier too, start could be the "The Large HardOn Collider - big bang " experiment
the show will go on.........

This post is as unstable as my ideology against life. Hope the enlightenment happens soon.......

vijay said...

Well to get on more with the topic I would like to quote a few examples on people who understood the real meaning of life. two persons whom I respect and adore a lot.

One is Gauthama Buddha, A king who left his kingdom for the sake of enlightment, I would like to Quote on of his sayings here which actually led him to the path of enlightement "Desire is the cause of all miseries". Well when you start digging into what is this desire it again ends up in emotions and feelings of life. When one starts looking at life without desires which is really hard for human race. He can see the true color of life or the real meaning of life.

Another Great person is Shri Ramana Maharishi, I would like to quote a incident that happened. Once there were lot of people gathered to get blessings from swamiji but swami was silent he was just looking at the people. After quite sometime a frustrated person stood up and questioned swami as of why he is not uttering a word and why he is not blessing people nor preaching them. To that swami asked him a question "Who are you" he told his name and he his coming from a village. swami again replied that it was his name and the village he told was his address but who are you. He was unable to answer the question. This is the truth of life which was discovered and followed by Ramana Maharishi, he got this thought at a very young age of Who am I and wanted to know what happens to him after his death and he found himself as that when a person die only his body dies and not the soul. The soul is eternal and I would like to quote that the soul is the real life. It doesnt require happiness nor sorrow, nor food,water or breadth.

mamatha said...

Wonderfully illustrated examples.Add on another to this. Its of "Bhakta Kanakadasa" devotee of Sri Krishna

His guru, asks a single question to all his students:

"Among the famous people present there(who included Purandaradasa and others including the Guru). who will go to heaven?

Other students accept all the big people to go to heaven.Unsatisfied, the guru asks Kanakadasa for the answer,asking one by one if each personality would go to heaven. He says no for all of them, when finally guru asks him "Will I go to heaven. He says with all humbleness "NO".
Finally guru asks, "will U go to heaven", Kanakadasa replies "If I leaves me then I might go to heaven"

All he meant was when the feeling of I will go out of a person, as Vijay said the seeds of desires will fade away and will sense life at its fullest.