Thursday, October 02, 2008

Walks of Life !!!

A human being comes to this world, lives and finally leaves the world. When I say this word I remember the words of shakespeare "Men may come and Men may go but the stage remains the same." When we look the life cycle of a human being, he takes different roles at different stages of life. to begin with he is a sweet child with no tooth,everybody likes to play with him,they take utmost care of him. When he grows up he gets on to school where he mingles with a lot of people of his age and starts learning new things and when he moves into the adolescent age, he feels something unsual within himself, falls in love with almost all gals he sees, tries to do all wrong things in his life. feels old people are there in this world only to give advice, thinks he is the boss and knows how to live his life. He gets into the college and feels like in heaven. he knows no fear and no boundaries, enjoys life to the core.

Out of college things change, he gets to know the situation of his life and get to know what life is and what people are, how people behave and what status they give for a person and how and when. He gets into the phase of realizing his dreams, works hard and gets a life which suits his lifestyle and tries to make up his own family.

Once he has somebody with him he again starts running to make his and his dependant life better. He tries to enjoy life but could not. He becomes a father which he would always be proud of, tries to give the best to his children, wants his children to get everything which he didnt get.

Things fly by he becomes old and becomes a grandfather and tries to rewind his life with his old memories only to find that he has not lived the way he wanted.

Roles that a person plays in different walks of life are
1. baby
2. Kid
3. School boy
4. Teenager
5.College Student
6. Professional
10. Father
11. A responsible person in the society
12. Grandfather
13. A human being who leaves this world without knowing the truth of life

Well this is the normal life cycle of a human being, but how many of us think beyond this, how many of us think that there is a reason for our existence. how many of us think that there is reason behind every action in our life. how many of us think about the lessons that has been taught to us in the walk of life. How many of us tend to follow the rules of the game.

Life is something which is not to be lived anyway we wanted, it is to be lived the way it is supposed to be.

I dont want to confuse more than this. Just think about it. !!!!

1 comment:

mamatha said...

That s a beautiful post. The sentence "Life is something which is not to be lived anyway we wanted, it is to be lived the way it is supposed to be ." Really means a lot.

Most of us take the easy paths of life. Because the tougher paths of life seems longer and painful. But they are the once who teach us the right meaning and purpose of life. Because nothing can mould a person as the tough path of life can.

The best of things in life have never come with ease. All has been a struggle.

If you have come across the movie "Shankarbharana/ Sur Sangam(hindi)", it displays typical examples illustrating that the knowledge achieved by hardship and faith is ever lasting than what is learnt in short term in a half filled manner.Shastri s style of living in the movie also illustrates a good example to all of us as to how life should be lead. It includes practise, respect, discipline, promise, devotion, affection, and belief in yourself and confidence of right and wrong and truth. These are the basic forms that define a life of a human being.

As said, every action will have a cause and purpose. We should try to understand the reason behind it, gain a meaning and purpose to make our life worth living.Which will help us understand what are we here for.