Sunday, March 04, 2007

Where is India Heading !!!!!

Well where are we heading . we indians are making the best out of everythin .of course we indians have become more tax payers now a days.So where are we heading . The indian economy is boomin like anythin .its growin in a pace which is 3 times faster than wat google is growing .Any guy who is a graduate in india is earning not less than 10K nowadays . he leads a happy life . all new venture capitalist are encouragin entrepreneurs . there are more world leaders emergin out of india . Experts say tat if our growth is gone be as aggressive as we are now then we might go past the economy of the US in 20 years from (is it true) .

Now then we are heading in all the markets starting from the TATA steel baggin the biggest deals of all time "THE CORUS DEAL " . to the Indian IT majors "TCS & INFOSYS" baggin the first Billion Dollar contract from the ABN-AMRO .

Next comes the question of are we really becoming a global leaders, the answer is yes . we are gettin better day by day . the world is lookin at us as a emergin leader in all aspects . we are respected by the people all around the world .
But there still remains one small disadvantage in us i.e we dont pat ourselves wen we grow . Lets come together and make india the world leader .

though we have a huge population we are considered to be people with lot of integrity in us . we have better appitude than the people in the west . Though we lack in the technology aspects which are not comparable to the one tat s used in the west we should not forget tat the technology tat is developed there in the west is also by an indian ..

Its just a free writing i have written . hope i make sense in some means .


Inventive said...

Interesting topic the author has started here, but I would like to pin point that the real question would be "How" and "Where" India is heading.....its true our country time and again has proven its worth and value in terms of quality intellect, talent and rich cultural heritage...but there are a number of things that lack and are missing which no one ever considers of thinking abt.
Recently there was an article in the newspapers about Mr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam our President. He had posed a question to our fellow country men. His question went like this:
"In past 2000 years (I am not sure of the exact time period) it is said that India has never attempted or tried or initiated to attack/invade/have war with any of the countries in the world. But time and over again and again it has been attacked by several countries. Please tell me looking at this scenario what is it that our country is lacking in?". Any one reading this question will say wow its good thing we have never initiated a fight or war...wats so bad about it.....we are peace friendly ......but if you think so then think may be wrong!!!!!.

The point is not just that we have never attacked any country...the thing is that we have been repeatedly facing war from other countries and that too repeatedly....why dont we convey a clear message to our attackers once and for all about our power, strength and valour.....letting them know that once is enough....we are not to be underestimated...not to be taken for granted....but to be seen as a country which is not only known for its centurries old rich cultaral heritage, wisdom but also for true leadership.....leadership which can never be looked at forgranted....never be underestimated....never be looked down upon.....never be considered our nation to be easy and vulnerable to foriegn attacks.....but who will prove will it be proven.....??

With corrupt governance.....undirected young talent...with dirty nasty politics...with denial of basic necessities to our common man....who will do it....

True it is what the author has said...we are indeed making our mark in the world proving our worth....but all this is just at an individual level.... as a nation our wisdom though rich in its wise thoughts is as directionless as a powerfull wind is.....our talent is a waste due to lack of encouragement, right usage...our intelligence is unfocused as are the thousand rays of sun falling thousand places apart instead of coming together to concentrate their energy on one place.......
So the question is not just "Where"....its "How".......????

vijay said...

I agree with the comment posted . we also have to think on how is indian economy goin to grow .

India being the leaders in population has everythin tat a global leader should have but still y are we considered as a developin country , wat is the quality tat a developed country is having tat we dont have.. when we have everythin why are we struggling to become a developed country .

when we dig deep into the question we find a lot of issues starting from the government rules, corrupt politics, insufficient encouragement to the people who are capable , poverty , not adequate facility...

Though we have been hearing the words "Tommorows world lies in the hands of the Youth " .. how many of the young men of india are really thinkin abt it ..everybody in india wants to get a software job wanted to carry a lot of money back home , and then fly off to US and get a green card... Am not telling tat watever the youth are doing is wrong . but they should also think on how we should improve our country .. those who start up a firm in the US . should get back to india and have an operation in india also .. they should consider the indian market also ,, there by we indians will have a strong hold on the indian economy & market .

Its all in the hands of we indians on we quickly we wanted to become a Developed nation which has always been a dream of a nation which is capable in all aspects of being one .

mamatha said...

A political topic written casually has made the topic interesting.

The keywords global leaders,developed country,indian economy.
All these are some of the things which India has been striving for and has travelled a long way but yet not reached what we want to be because this is not a 1 day s job nor a one man s task.

There are chain of drawbacks which hinder our growth which is already well said by the two writers.

How did Japan overcome the disaster of the Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombing. They adopted the strategy of bringing equality in all aspects among the citizens.

Though a small country having retained its culture, have advanced well in the technology. Though they have their own set of challenges to overcome, our s is not big compared to there s. As we have more potential than them.

Thought India has a huge population and integrity within they all belong to different classes. Everyone is not moving together some are way ahead and some way behind.
So the population symbolizes quantity than quality.

Just imaging how powerful can india be if everyone s travelling with the same mindset.

All the countries have differences, but the ratio seems to be high in our land.(not comparing with any country)

Why does the technology lack here. When we can import dress,cosmetics, cars from outside, why not technology.

I agree it will cost heavy initially but there will be gain in the same ratio. Technology directly proportional to speed. Hence the output to be high.

Yes its said that technology designed outside encompasses the indian brains. But why do they not turn back and make opportunities in India by returning with great ideas in mind and implementing them. (Everyone wants to stay in the comfort zone u see.

I recently came across a conversation between 2 engg students who have just got into the field. And one asks the other "hey is ur sis going to visit US.". I dont say travelling abroad is wrong but the intentions behind really dont give a good feel.

If youngsters come out with such a mind set i dont think we will see any Vishveshvaraya s anymore.

There was a debating statement made, India has never intiated a fight,but it has been attacked frequently. It got its own pros and cons.
Anytime the opposite has attacked, India has always defended well. Its an era where you slap a person once, they make it a point to slap you twice. I feel proud that India does not portray tat atleast at the international level. There is nothing you gain but a huge loss on both the side which is finally not good for the world.And i feel that is delligence.

Would say there are very few who work on the lines of prosperity of the country at their own cost.

We must never stop the little help which reaches ppl coz of your deeds, as a drop by drop of water combines to form an ocean.

Hat s off to those who try to make a difference ...I know all this does not help in any way..jus a whay to express ur thoughts.....

vijay said...

I take immense pleasure in thanking these wonderful writers who have posted their comments for this discussion.

What started a casual topic i feel is taking a roll, i am getting a lot of points out of this discussion. I am happy that there are still lot of indians who would like to make a change of the view of india in this modern world.

There are lot of points that these two writers have jotted down that makes us sit back and think of it as a serious issue. We have to wake up and we have to do it soon. otherwise we will be left behind though we have every aspect that a world leader should have, there should be more thought provoking activities among our indians to make them realise that India is truely a place of heaven to be in.. come on India.....

As the writer said though this wont change things , I am in contrast with her statement. Message Boards like this can really change the world as such as "Pen is Mightier than sword" - these words mean it . if we want we can do it . Its all in the hands of we Indians to show this world the true capability indian has ... and i hope we do it in the near future.

Arjun said...

hi, am prasanna;s friend.. happened to read your blog.. you can read my article in called 'Contribution?' wil be a folllowup to this post..