Sunday, August 03, 2008

Reading a person by his outfit

In this materialistic world where money dons and people are running like the horses to grab money and fame, how many of us have taken time to read a persons mind. Well If I post this question to the person reading this blog, the answer would be "I Read every person mind" . I feel that is a typical business men accent, the people in business try to guess the pulse and mentality of the person they are appraoching so that they frame a strategy to make that person a prey or rather a client. Well the reading of the mind in business perspective has to be more accurate, you got to look into the nuances of each and every move the person makes, one simple example is if the person who is listening to you is hand folded, it means he will be reluctant to what you say or rather he will be defensive. another example that I would like to quote is if a person sits on the edge of the seat he is very keen and observant to what you are talking (meaning he is a potential customer go grab him). There are humpty number of examples like these that exists, As per psychology there are signals which the brain keeps on sending out to the external world which would convey even those things that a person his hiding(meaning he might talk something but his brain signals might be different which is what is the true intention of the person).

Now the question is how to read these signals. Practice makes a man perfect(though I dont believe it). You got to constantly look out for the brain signals and also understand the behaviour of the person. so that you get to know the true color of humans.

Nobody can be read just by looking at their outfit, A man dressed in a shabby way can be the best intellectual ever known, so never try to read a person by his looks, looks are just for creating respect and nothing else, the truth lies inside the person which his brains sends as signals.

Brain is the most important part of the human body, It can do wonders in a person life, it knows no boundaries and is one of the complex part of the human body which can never be explained in simple terms. It sends millions and millions of signals which when interpreted properly can really make understand a persons intentions and his behaviour.

Keep reading the mind. but never by his outfit rather by the signals from his brain.!!!


Priya said...

Oops lot of information on mind reading.......But isnt mind reading part of body language mind is also a part of the body?

And doesnt isnt choice of outfit also made by the person's thoughts.....Not sure.

I am sure you have heard of the book.....How to read a person like a book.....wouldnt be surprised if you have already read it!!!. If you havent read it probably this will giv u more information on body language interpretaion and so you can overflow your mind with all the info about body language !!! :)


vijay said...

Well mind reading co-relates with body language and I believe that I have mentioned certain body language in the post through which you can interpret certain people's intention. But mind reading involves involves intepretation of the minute body language which the person does without his knowledge which actually specfies his intention, that can be interpreted only by practise

The book you have mentioned has a lot of insight on mind reading and gives you a brief picture on mind reading,

mamatha said...

That is truly said that the attire does describe a person to an extent. Gives a feel about a person at first sight.(But not to forget it involves the atmoshere in which the person is grown, his job profile and many more facets of life).
The blogger who started the topic has tried to illustrate that looks can decieve you. So don't judge a person from is external outfit even if it has nto pleased you.Because outfit change with circumstance but not the inner person in him.

For example: Assume 2 people are childhood friends. You will be in a state to say what his action/reaction will be for every situation, but you cannot know what he really felt or though.
That would require knowing a person a lot more...that is what is talked and shared here.

and that is true ...

vijay said...

that is what is called real mind reading ...well said !!!