Monday, August 04, 2008

Work, Service, Success

We all work. Some work to get fame, money, enjoy, some to spend time and some to have the highest social status. Has anyone ever thought why should we work or for what are we working. What is the correct way to work.
Since there has been no serious thought on why we work, there are many negative consequences of these. Good food only to see not eat, blessed with a good family to spend no time with.

In early times people used to work, because they wanted to help their people, make a persons life easier. Nowadays, a person will work 24 hrs round the clock to reach the highest position in a short duration which inturn drives others wantedly or unwantedly to rush at the same speed to keep his job secure.

The creativity in people is getting lost day by day. People are becoming machines day by day. No one has time to admire nature, have laughter with thier folks.
Does nature - the greatest teacher of all teach us this. SO called the most intelligent species (humans) are we probably need to turn back to the past to learn. And that we wont, only when nature will strike all of us with destruction we will be forced to learn our basics of living.

Einstein - the greatest scientist of all times had a passion for music, loved children.
Leonardo one of the greatest inventor admired to think ahead of future would represent his thoughts aroused within him as paintings.
Marie Curie - Whom i really admire to the core started her career with the love for Science and to achieve the highest degree at those times, slowly learnt and served her people without any copyright on her invention (radioactive radium whose use all of us know) whose hardwork holds no bound of explanation even at the cost of her comfort living and finally her own life.

Why did these people work so hard on their own interest , its the passion of making their lives worth living.

Nowadays people work for success not for service. We must attain success to serve. Success should be a means for service.
There is a domain of "being" and of "wanting". People are lost in the domain of wanting which imprisons us. In the mechanical life events are controlling us rather than the magnetic life to guide us.

Our success lives in earning inturn used effectively to serve.

Have a happy and successful living !!!


Sarvamangala said...

well said.. but aint it a calculated risk that ppl r taking to achieve something bigger(according to their priorities) in life??.. loose something to gain something.. and do u feel all of them realize at the end that they shud've corrected themselves long back??.. if v move towards those areas which give us real satisfaction n happiness, we would still manage to have the right balance.. but when do v start searching.. whose got the time to??

vijay said...

Well calculated risk is taken by people who dont go behind what their heart says or what their passion is. they are the people who do something called as multitasking which will be fruitful for themselves but not for others, Well I would quote one example here Albert Einstein used to work in the patent office where he used to complete his work in a matter of hours and continue writing his thesis, but on the long run he had to quit his job to get involved in his passion to know the length and breadth of this world and how god created this world. Lot of people in today's world run at the back of money and not at the back of what they intended to become or what their passion is. The perfect example is the two intellectual brains of stanford, if at all they could have completed their phd they would have earned millions and billions of dollars but they being a student chased their dreams which serves as a search engine in the name of Google which billions use today. Those who chase their dreams know what they are upto, those who aint are simple machines waking up in the morning and hitting the bed in the night

Priya said...
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Priya said...

Very good they say in tamizh Nalla Sindhanai!!!! First hats off to you for boldly putting across your views here .

The thing is I see two thoughts overlapping here at the same time.

1. Ppl should work while they work and should allocate proper time for their personal Life.
2. Instead of going for what they get we should hang on to what we want other words chase our dreams.

Well its jus a suggestion ......the clarity and the implication of the substance conveyed by the post would have improved if only one thought is presented in a post. Or may be end your views on a thought in a paragraph and start afresh on the next thought in the next paragraph of the same post.

Its jus a suggestion buddy let me knw if i interpreted it wrong.

Keep up the good work !!!! :)


vijay said...

No its not that way, the arguement is on and everybody is trying to justify on what their perception is all about in achieving their dreams and here you have two thoughts, Either do multitasking and get ur dreams come true or chase your I make sense ???

mamatha said...

The various mixture of thoughts illustrates that everone things on these terms and wants to get a clear picture to know which is the right way to lead life. And ofcourse the answer seems to be real tough.

It is a very vast subject that cannot be explained easily with comfort.Hence how each one of us percieve and react to the topic on first read will be different.

for various comments i would say "where there is a will there is a way" or "whose got the time ??"- if you have keen interest in the subject you will find time no matter what!!.And its not necessary that you gotto do something big/small. Doing is a start. You never know where it can take you. Clear cut example is "GOOGLE".

And must remember to achieve something higly valuable you need to sacrifice."Even a lamp when lit burns itself"

And your goal/chase depends on whether you want to be part of wanting or giving. And the noble choose the later.

Not all can do this, that is where a genious being comes into picture.
And it must be a sincere strive from all of us to be one.

vijay said...

well tat comment summarises the whole topic....its all in ur hands dream you gotta achieve..dont blame it has there is no time

Pon Arun Kumar said...

who invented the work culture ? who invented the currencies ?
who invented the trade ?

I would love to live a peacefull life hunting down and eating leaves somewhere in the world which is still untapped. :-)

would love to do the above lol

Sarvamangala said...

yup.. i totally agree with mamtha.. its ignorance thts the problem.. v get into vicious cycles of the "external" happiness.. v shud take time to think y a just born keeps smiling even when asleep!!.. thts a true happiness experience!!.. it def takes a huge effort to choose the path the heart takes.. act very simple to take but difficult to find!!